OM1232,  Nekretnine Omiš - Građevinsko zemljište s projektom, na izvrsnoj lokaciji blizu mora i plaža, okolica Omiša, na prodaju Istaknuto

  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (23)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (11)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (8)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (9)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (10)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (12)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (19)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (22)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (4)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (7)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (28)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (30)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (6)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis r (1)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (29)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (14)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (16)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (3)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (5)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (13)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (17)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (24)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (15)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (18)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (20)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (21)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (25)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (26)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (27)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (31)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (32)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (23)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (11)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (8)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (9)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (10)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (12)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (19)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (22)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (4)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (7)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (28)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (30)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (6)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis r (1)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (29)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (14)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (16)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (3)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (5)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (13)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (17)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (24)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (15)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (18)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (20)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (21)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (25)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (26)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (27)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (31)
  • Building land with a project, in an excellent location near the sea and beaches, Omis (32)

Ref # : OM1232

Na prodaju € 250.000

Nekretnine Omiš - Građevinsko zemljište s projektom, na izvrsnoj lokaciji blizu mora i plaža, okolica Omiša, na prodaju



Zadovoljstvo nam je što u našoj ekskluzivnoj ponudi imamo odlično građevinsko zemljište s mnogo građevinskog potencijala, smješteno u neposrednoj blizini čistog plavog mora i krasnih plaža. Zemljište od oko 680 m2 već posjeduje potpuno razvijen građevinski projekt. Osim toga, poduzeti su prvi koraci u izgradnji: međe su ograđene zidom, pristupni put je asfaltiran a osigurana je i vodna opskrba.


Kao što je već napomenuto, zemljište od oko 680 m2 je u potpunosti spremno za izgradnju idejnog projekta - samostojeće građevine s tri stambene jedinice, ukupne bruto površine oko 396 m2. Visina građevine je: prizemlje i dva kata. Predviđen je i adekvatan broj parkirnog prostora i to za ukupno šest vozila. Dakle, razrađeni projekt se odnosi na višestambenu kuću, točnije kuću s tri prostrana apartmana od kojih svaki krasi terasa orijentirana prema moru.

Valja istaknuti i drugu mogućnost, a to je ishodovanje nove dozvole za projekt po vlastitoj ideji a sve u okviru raspoloživih mogućnosti gradnje. Sukladno relevantnom prostornom planu na predmetnoj čestici je dozvoljena izgradnja samostojećeg ili dvojnog objekta katnosti: prizemlje + tri kata, odnosno maksimalno: prizemlje + četiri kata. Koeficijent izgrađenosti (kig) može iznositi do 0,3.


Zahvaljujući svim svojim kvalitetama i prednostima, ovo zemljište se s pravom može okarakterizirati kao izvanredna prilika za ulaganje sa značajnim potencijalom. Atraktivna pozicija s divnim pogledom na more i široke građevinske mogućnosti primamljive su kako investitorima pa tako i pojedincima u potrazi za vlastitim “komadićem raja” na Dalmatinskoj obali. Osim brojnih uređenih kupališta, obližnji sadržaji uključuju trgovine, restorane i kafiće. Najbliže veće naselje je grad Omiš do kojeg je potrebno tek oko 6 minuta vožnje autom. Put ka Omišu ali i drugim destinacijama podupire i odlična cestovna povezanost parcele, odnosno činjenica što se odmah iznad parcele nalazi državna cesta.

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Blizina mora
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